A lazy observation on the perenially pessimistic Philippine political environment. A thousand and one reasons why the Philippines is the best country in Asia...yet.

Location: San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Conrado De Quiros and GMA

Whenever one reads an article by Conrado de Quiros on the Philippine political situation and GMA, he invariably attacks GMA on a personal level. And since most of his admirers believe him hook line and sinker, educated Filipinos tend to look down on an already diminutive president.

But why is that? Bar none, Mr. de Quiros is perhaps the best columnist in the country today. He is not pretentious as Teddy Benigno is and who has been Frenchified with a wealthy quote of Frenchisms. He is not a name dropper as Mr. Soliven whose columns would rival the Chronicles of the travellers in the Journey to the Center of the Earth. Perhaps, his lack of attachment to the center of power allows him to let the ax fall where it should. But then again, if that is so, why does he not credit GMA for any achievements done?

Perhaps, he believes that GMA is an accidental president. Unlike John Kerry, she was the right person at the right place and at the right time in our history. And for that, Mr. de Quiros can never forgive her no matter what noble things she does. Coupled with the fact that her husband has not exactly risen to the level of Ceasar's wife and we hear stories of corruption and influence peddling which may or may not be true but when only hinted by Mr. de Quiros, those rumors are given legitimacy.

In the words of Kipling, GMA and Mr. de Quiros are poles apart and never the twain shall meet. But it does not mean that their cold war should not reap lessons for both. Out of humility, GMA should listen to Mr. de Quiros' broadsides. After all, what does not kill her will only make her stronger. And Mr. Quiros ought to be less jaundiced and admit the fact, that like it or not, she is entitled to a candid criticism of her governance, not her personality.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting blogs on politics. We thought you would be interested in having a link exchange with our site.


The site is a discussion portal for Philippine politics and current events.


December 29, 2006 at 9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting blogs on politics. We thought you would be interested in having a link exchange with our site.


The site is a discussion portal for Philippine politics and current events.

December 29, 2006 at 10:00 AM  

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